Consulting agency. Were always available to answer questions about human design and point you in the right directiontoward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your. This is the last Gate of the Mandala and the last episode of the Mandala of Life. Human Design Life Coaching Services., If you are Advanced and would like more details about your chart you can get that here: Human Design and 2027: And in the process, discover the thematic of your personal Life Purpose fulfillment? Breathe. Read more, Yin-Yang-Yin-Yin Gates: 7-Role of the Self in Interaction, 4-Formulization, 29-Perseverance, 59-Sexuality Description. I remember I am complete within myself. As a 1/3, I bump into ideas, experiences, people And when I bumped into this concept of the 16 Godheads, I was intrigued. The Rave Mandala is divided into four quarters Initiation, Civilization, Duality, and Mutation. You remain that type forever, and you'll always wince when someone says something blatantly wrong, if you're a 1. Changing Your Fate through Experience, Discovery & Learning! It is a combination that is based on the lines of your Personality Sun/Earth and your Design Sun/Earth. Request to join the Facebook Group by clicking the image above, Human Design System Article by Laveena Lovick, Laveena Lovick, Human Design System [email protected]. When you look at the hexagrams, you can see a relationship between 13 and 30 and 13, 37, 25, and 42. And my melancholy. Karen Curry Parker, Founder & Creator Now, its time for this information to sink more deeply into my being and flower. Concretization of Mind into the cycle of Rebirth, Death, Resurrection, Re-Creation. Where do I insist this is the way to go? The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Listener, the Fellowship of ManYang (spirit) pushing upward into Yin (form). The Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Consciousness, all these familiar concepts, these are mechanics. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Connected - Human Design is a system of human differentiation - it's a system that helps you uncover and understand what makes you unique and truly you. Kalis homogenized image of a destructive force was no stranger in my life. This leads to the female carrying the burden of maintaining the home while the male is out exploring. Notice there are six solid linessix Yang lines. CONNECT WITH ME! Three of these four gates are Sacral. Human Design Mandala Quarter of Duality - Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. 13 is the Listener, and carries secrets and stories, what Ra calls their deepest power in his Quarter of Initiation lecture. The perfect opposition in the wheel is maintained throughout the entire Rave Mandala. It's a manual or guide that allows people to explore their own inner-landscape, to identify patterns, strengths, weaknesses. The IJ types: INTJs, INFJs, ISTJs, ISFJs, notorious control freaks, every last one of them. All Rights Reserved 2011. If you are familiar with the G Center gates from taking a Living Your Design Program or your personal studies, you know that the G Center is home to two critical Incarnation Crosses. #ambassador_katreni Human Design Mandala Quarter of Initiation - purpose fulfilled through mind. The hexagrams are made up of three couplets the bottom one is the Quarter couplet and the middle one the Godface couplet they are the same for the same Quarters and the same Godface. Our next evolutionary step will occur in this next cycle, which will bring extensive mutation to the Solar Plexus and the emerging non-linear, non-verbal felt sense of awareness that is neither body awareness nor mental awareness, but emotional or spirit awareness. The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara. The 16 faces of god, the gods. 28 forces the Individual to stop being selfish and work for the communal betterment, #genekey28 #genekey27 #genekey32 #genekey32 #genekey44 #synarchy #genekeys #minerva #minervagodhead #minervaasteroid #bellonaasteroid #bellona All Rights Reserved. Day 6: To the the citizens and lords of Solstrum, any celestial object is a god. Dolphin as the Totem animal 00:00 Intro Edit: yes the year is wrong it's late. Human Design; Godheads, Minerva; Christ . Steven Rhodes, The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu. Hr hittar du billiga Mjukvaror med urvalet Utvecklare: Cyberlore Studios (later Minerva), till bsta pris frn olika webbutiker i Sverige. The Personality Sun is used to find what Godhead you have per the gate via the quarter. All the little archetypal battles we fight for, which aren't about us, but are about an archetypal position that never changes, never goes away. All video clips and images are from What you feel. Riding and understanding their emotional waves is the crust of their decision-making process. Mind-blowing, the density of the programming. My Personality Sun is in gate 30 Clinging FireThe Gate of Feeling Freedom recognized as an illusion and limitation accepted as a fate. Ra Uru Hu. How to Read Your Human Design Chart According to the source of the Human Design System, humanity is almost ripe for its next major mutation. They return to the body fully cognizant of what they learned and encountered during this induced near-death experience. BECOME an AFFILIATE: In this video I added My Storyline in My Voice at 5:33 Minutes. We would love to meet you! With my Personality Sun in Gate 13, Ive been imprinted by this energy. Read more, Yang-Yin-Yang-Yin Gates: 37-Friendship, 63-Doubt, 22-Openness, 36-Crisis He sees Kali represented in many cultures as a male force; yet for him, shes merely in yang clothing. The distortion is a false sense that money and personal power are the key to all. Natural harmony and sharing possible through friendship. Human Design: Inner Authority 17:00 Three Questions for Each side All bundles together are the 'Godhead'. - (Video for Insight and Contemplation) They are the 4 corners or quarters that each have their own experience to share. We are each programmed with a set of false goods and bads, mental goods and bads, and Human Design is about surrendering to the only true good, one might say, your own inner authority. Both 13 and 30 are the amino acid Glutamine. More than another conditioning element, the godhead is what distracts us away from recognizing how deeply conditioned we are in the perception of our own lives, thus, not only legitimizing conditionings but actually covering it up with a moral patina of rational holiness. What is your godhead theme, and how does it impact your life? The introverted intuitives are every bit as controlling. 01:30 Asteroid Minerva conjunct New Moon in Scorpio at time of conversation This Gate is part of the Channel of Surrender, A Design of a Transmitter, linking the Splenic Center (Gate 44) with the Ego Center (Gate 26). This lecture is an introduction to the Godhead and how it conditions us away from our own lives. Notice the Hexagram chopssix yin lines, a precise polarity of Gate 1s six Yang lines. Purpose fulfilled through transformation. 1969-2022 by Sjef Romijn., WANT TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL AND GET MORE OF YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED? Dont forget to subscribe click the bell for notification. Minerva. The Human Design System Rave I'Ching Card Deck . We are using to show you the archetypes associated with the Cancer. The candidate takes a narcotic or a poison and for three nights their soul leaves the body to wander into the Otherworld. This is a practical video for insight and contemplation. 24 Return, The Gate of RationalizationThe natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal. In Enneagram, the false bads are, for instance, Enneatype 2 "I'm not being appreciated," Enneatype 3 "I'm not achieving my potential," Enneatype 4 "I'm not setting out to be different and unique. To give a real-life example, one we might watch transform and shift during the long transit of Pluto through the Gate 60, we can look at the entity Youtube. Gate 13 is the beginning of Kali, the Destroyer of False Devotion. Yin-Yang-Yang-Yang Gates: 44-Alertness, 28-Game Player, 50-Values, 32-Continuity. Human Design Godhead Wheel, 16 godheads, 78.92 MB, 57:28, 962, Artem Komarnitskii, 2017-10-28T20:41:09.000000Z, 19, Human Design System The Mandalas Quarters and Godheads Human,, 1188 x 1221, png, What's your human design godhead? Video recording delivered by email It's all about control, and for them (us) to let go of control, to let a little chaos happen, to let things be a little messy that can only happen with surrender to your inner authority. In this information packed live stream with Taylor Eaton and Mindy Mayhew you will learn how the I Ching has been correlated and interpreted into the Human Design System. We need someone or something, external to us. What is your godhead theme, and how does it impact your life? Customized chart reports available. The 16 Godheads came from a quarter of a quarter. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God.. Also remember that the outcome is not for the ego. And the same is true for each of the Objective Personality groups: EPs and their fear of being controlled; IPs and their fear of being influenced; EJs and their fear of disapproval. Helping you transform the way you show up in the world, aligned with your true state of being, that was always meant to be. These are derivative works as defined by the United States Copyright Act 17 U.S.C. I believe we all deserve to live in our truest expression of self & create the life of our dreams filled with abundance, flow states, wellness & passion. Im re-reading The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu by Steve Rhodes, and specifically the chapter called The 16 Faces. ------ I watch my mind. Some fun ideas here - James Alexander's recent point on his excellent Instagram @james_alexander_coaching about Defined Ego peeps needing to re-evaluate their bargains, instead of trying to stick to promises that no longer serve them. 10:05 Katreni's introduction to Minerva - water theme, memory in the body For Kali, these are Gates 13, 49, 30, and 55. Godhead - Hades Line 3 - Expediency There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches of the world and each star generates intelligent neutrinos. Quelle: Our current global cycle began in 1615 and carries the frequency of the Cross of Planning began with the breakdown of the feudal systems and the end of the rule of warrior kings, and it evolved into our modern collective governments, a thriving social safety net, and movement toward a global community. The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana. And by 2027, Gate 49 wont be viable anymore as it will have been realized, nor the channel it makes with Gate 19. Even when we see all Yang (unbroken) or Yin (broken) linesin a hexagram, every binary must ultimately bow to the union of opposites, which is why the first (all yang) and second (all yin) hexagrams split the wheel as a polarity. Elad Sky, We didnt invent these forces. Is it possible to know the unknowable? "I'm OK if I'm right, you're OK if you're right," also phrased, "I'm OK if I'm perfect, you're OK if you're perfect." As you can see from the chart to the right there are 11 different personality types or Godheads within this individuals chart. Now, let your eyes follow the movement of the hexagrams counterclockwise halfway around the wheel until you reach Hexagram 2. Twitter : Are you ready to dare to differentiate into the unique being you are here to be? My conscious process in this life is fueled by the desire to imagine a new experience, and the Channel of Recognition, with its focused energy to recognize feelings, is my way of consciously witnessing the wild ride of this lifes journey., -- The theme that out of two comes something new; working towards genetic diversity. 54:00 28 and Programming Partner 27 and Altruism. 55:30 Blossoming of Synarchy groups comes out of 28-27 interplay ", Now, we ironically ultimately end up surrendering to being exactly what we are--As Enneatype 1, I surrender to really liking being right. Harmonia embodies the feminine qualities of fertility and the power of holding the bond together in cooperation despite friction. Lets take a preliminary exploration together. Human Design Navigators. She has a garland of heads or skulls, either 51 of them or 108 of them. Video recording delivered by email The doors are massively built of wood and faced with bronze sheets beaten into a design of small ovals resembling the ancient Egyptian cartouches; on these are engraved alternate sentences in Gothic and Arabic script, while another inscription in Gothic lettering runs round 15 Page 16 Wednesday, September 6, 2000 1:45 PM Each cycle provides a background frequency to these large sweeping epochs in human life based upon specific Gate influences due to this Global Consciousness Program. This archetype is what keeps you from recognizing how deeply conditioned your perceptions are about your life. the reaction is swift and unyielding. Practical tools to find your quarter and contemplate the theme., Talking Charts: 12:28 Minerva and Tribal Circuitry, dark and light side Ra taught that we are programmed through these 16 different influences. Pinterest: How do the three persons of the Godhead work together? My mission is to bring awareness, acceptance, and alignment to the business world. It goes on and on. Her gates speak to how Mind uses past feelings to justify your present, and how emotions overpowering rational thought can distort your perceptions.. And each Face is a potential source for self-reflective consciousness. Yes, more programming and conditioning. They are the programming by one of 16 personality bundles., Self-Paced Content Marketing Design Training The seed mantra is like a broom for negative ego it just starts sweeping it away. The illusions will start to dissolve as how we are our own prisoners will be right in your face. Each quarter consists of four faces of Godheads. Trinity or Oneness? As a Vibrational Engineer Coach, I Celebrate the Magic in you. Every Line, every Color is its own gradation of a particular territory that those incarnating on are expected to occupy, duties along the wheel they are expected to fulfill. We could spend a lot of time dissecting its creation bodygraph but for today lets see the connection that Youtube has with limitation, in that in the original days many people who had practically nothing were able to upload raw videos that gave them a platform that they would never have had without the very mutative concept that was quickly adopted by the collective. And we are surrendering to the spirit of Life. Territory assignment includes all of South Jersey and not limited to cross selling into the Philadelphia and . Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your godhead is the god. Related Pages. Human Design is a mystic path. The false good of the Enneatype doesn't really get in the way so much when you're surrendered. Every god and goddess that humanity has ever had can be found in one of the 16 faces. Heres where you can grab a chart - It's all about control, and for them (us) to let go of control, to let a little chaos happen, to let things be a little messy that can only happen with surrender to your inner authority. Correction: Caiphas tore his robes, not Pilate. The IJ types: INTJs, INFJs, ISTJs, ISFJs, notorious control freaks, every last one of them. Before Human Designs virus took hold and gave me some semblance of patience, my emotional nature was so volatile and uncontrollable that I regularly (at least monthly) lashed out when my feelings reached a boiling point. Not all do. Each planet moves through each Gate of the Rave Wheel, and influences life on planet Earth. 02:30 Minerva and the Synarchy The potential distortion here lies in the power of women to oppress or be oppressed in their role as the sex. Minerva - Virgin Goddess of Warfare, Arts and Crafts Gates: 44-Alertness, 28-The Game Player, 50-Values, 32-Continuity . In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is Messenger of the sun god Ra and husband of Ma'at. If you do end up as a reader/analyst, it takes YEARS of study and integration and firstly living out your own design. 07:30 Three Ancient Libyan Astrologer Priestesses who discovered Calculus, Trigonometry and Geometry and the origins of wisdom I'm now doing updates on my Instagram page, here's the link Then you look at Objective Personality. I cant find the blog now; literally the first one I read about Godheads and Human Design was an personal experiential account and the writers Godhead was Kali. See more of Human Design NYC on Facebook. Email [emailprotected] Saying I want to be on the Level 1 Certification Waiting List., WANNA TAKE THIS TO A PROFESSIONAL LEVEL AND GET CERTIFIED BY DOING OUR DIY CERTIFICATION AT YOUR OWN PACE? . Human design is a way to connect to the. But shes really not that badshes just drawn that way.. With 13.1, Im connected to this quarter even more so. Each Godhead has four Gates, and so four aspects, themes or nuances. 57:38 Scriptures that support Godhead Vertiv's African roadshow will be presented in SA for the first time next month. Orientations, even. We take clips from various sources to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help and inspire people in their life. Read more, Yang-Yin-Yin-Yin Gates: 42-Growth, 3-Ordering, 27-Caring, 24-Rationalization About press copyright contact us creators advertise developers terms privacy policy & safety how youtube works test new features press copyright contact us creators. Not all do. Log In. Here Mind brings moral laws that determine good and evil, separating matter and exalting spirit (heavy distortions). We will show you how to find your quarter and how to contemplate the theme in your life and business. This Godhead is 1/16 of it. 58:00 Interlacing Codon Rings and 34-20 in there too. But you can learn to surrender to making decisions according to your mechanical inner authority and let the mind off the hook, and that is a huge, huge difference in how you live your life, and your overall trajectory. Quantum Human Design for Everyone Training System and the Quantum Alignment System, Get your FREE Quantum Human Design Chart:, Visit our School Here:, Circle Community:, If you are Advanced and would like more details about your chart you can get that here: "In what seems like a cryptic answer to a very clear question, Jesus quotes daniel 7:13 to answer Caiphas. We start this 5th Face with Yang (13s top couplet) and end with Yin (55s top couplet). These are the false goods that pull us away from our inner authority, which is our personal truth. (scroll down to the bottom for link), You might like to register here for the 5 Day Human Design "Set Your Foundations" Challenge: The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna. Self-Paced Human Design BUSINESS and CAREER TRAINING PLAYSHOP The core of the Minds programming; separation and comparison of light/good vs dark/bad. When you surrender to your own mechanical decisionmaking process, you stop freaking out when things go to the bad side of whatever it is. Purchase. This took me some hours and I would love if you could buy me a coffee via, Music: Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God. ATTENTION PROJECTORS Could you use some extra support? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL:, Would you like to be put on the waiting list for our next CERTIFICATION PROGRAM? Kali is also known as compassionate and protective, somewhat like the stern teacher that Saturn is. Connect With US: Some clarification on the Dear Days stuff: Gramgrace's Frame Rare was going to be for set 8 not it's ride line . Mitras questions represent deep concerns humans obsess about, boiling down to: Will I get what I need? Dramatic emotional reactions stemming from this uncertainty are the distortion here. Its a spiritual and mystical death. To energize us, to spark something within us., Instagram: 22:11 Explain the two wills 3RD REVIEW AND SHARING - QUARTER OF DUALITY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH AT 18:00 CET. This energy never says stop and dont even bother trying to get ahead in life, it doesn't say stop trying to rise one step higher on the rung of our existence but instead says, when you are given something and that is all you have, how best are you going to use whats right in front of you? Our Facebook Group: 27:00 Mudra meditation of 32, 50, 28, 44 The distortion is civilization playing out its programmed past of homogenized marital roles. Both Allen Parr and Gino Jennings are popular teachers of the Word but have radically different views of the nature of God. So in keeping with my personal example, in the quarter of Initiation, we have purpose fulfilled through the Mind. Om Shri Kalikayai Namah. Help get the message to millions that we can be true to ourselves and earn a living by being and doing what we are designed for:, Linkedin:, Facebook:, Bitchute:, LBRY: The 16 Faces of God, the gods. 05:29 Sulis Minerva from Bath as a Goddess of Water Freddy Silva [source], 13-The Listener | 49-Principles | 30-Feelings | 55-Spirit, 37-Friendship | 63-Doubts | 22-Openness | 36-Crisis, 25-Spirit of the Self |17-Following | 21-Hunter/Huntress | 51-Shock, 42-Growth | 3-Ordering | 27-Caring | 24-Returning, 2-The Direction of the Self | 23-Assimilation | 8-Contribution | 20-The Now, 16-Skills | 35-Change | 45-The Gatherer | 12-Caution, 15-Extremes | 52-Stillness | 39-Provocation | 53-Beginnings, 62-Details | 56-Stimulation | 31-Leading| 33-Privacy, 7-Role of the Self in Interaction | 4-Mental Solutions | 29-Perseverance | 59-Sexuality, 40-Aloneness | 64-Possibilities| 47-Realization | 6-Friction, 46-Determination of the Self | 18-Correction | 48-Depth | 57-Intuitive Clarity, 44-Alertness | 28-The Game Player | 50-Values | 32-Continuity, 1-Self-Expression | 43-Breakthrough| 14-Power Skills | 34-Power, 9-Taming Power of the Small | 5-Fixed Rhythms | 26-The Egoist | 11- Ideas, Harmony, 10-Behaviour of the Self | 58-Vitality | 38-The Fighter | 54-Drive, 60-Limitation | 61-Inspiration | 41-Contraction | 19-Wanting, Kali is Face 5 of 16 and according to Jovian Archive, Kali is one of two divinities associated with the Solar Plexus potential Needs, Passions, and Desires are her domain. They control what you think. Minerva wisdom of the ages and synarchy is action sharing resources, supporting each other to grow and blossom. When distorted this becomes intense homogenization leading to bitterly living out the ideals of the past rather than your own authentic, individual and differentiated successful Truth. How do I renew myself and become more and more me? Due to her association with the springs . 06:09 Bellona and Janus with two faces (Male and Female androgynous quality) However, as we are now reaching the end of this cycle, there is turmoil as our global outlook is changing once again; this period of communal support and interdependent economics is ending as well. Ra Uru Hu called this the Global Consciousness Program, and it is commonly referred to as the Global Cycles, for which there is data from approximately 16000 BC to 3600 AD. There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. Human Design Godhead Wheel, 16 godheads, 78.92 MB, 57:28, 962, Artem Komarnitskii, 2017-10-28T20:41:09.000000Z, 19, Human Design System - The Mandala's Quarters and Godheads - Human,, 1188 x 1221, png, What's your human design godhead? Death of the ego. There are 16 Godheads total in Human Design. yahweh incarnate, through whom Yahweh will reclaim the nations disinherited at Babel." Heres to breaking that covenant that Ra speaks of. Human Design offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who yo. Each Quarter of the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to their foundations. Read more, The Goddess of Truth, Justice and Cosmic Harmony, Yin-Yin-Yang-Yang Gates: 62, 56, 31, 33 November 8th: HADES - Meeting the 'Void' November 29th: PROMETHEUS - Faith and the Building of a Future Lakshmi embodies the expression of civilization in action. My own emotions and also other peoples. The one stands for the Quarter of Initiation, which is the first Quarter in the Wheel. Sadhguru talks about 7 chakras., Do you love Human Design and want others to know whats up? That's all it is. The top couplet shows their differentiation yang-yang, yin-yang, yang-yin, and yin-yin, respectively. 27:00 Mudra meditation of 32, 50, 28, 44 1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them). You just discovered how the wheel is divided in half, a basic polarity of the mandala structure. From physical items to relationships, the bitterness of false promises and broken dreams weighed me down to the point of suicidal ideation during low waves from all the not-self suffering and poor me, why me of my Martyr mind. People with a defined Solar Plexus is emotionally defined. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 23rd of March please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . In My Storyline I talk about In Sanskrit, the word chakra means disk or wheel and refers to the energy centers in your body., Facebook Biz Pages: I have an undefined Solar Plexus, with three hanging gates. October 11th: MINERVA - Tribal Purpose and the Fear of Extinction. Whichever layer we analyze, and these are all real, valid layers of the psyche of the human organism, we find the same thing: a set of preferences, a set of predispositions. The introverted intuitives are every bit as controlling. For people living in Celtic Britain (modern-day England), the goddess Sulis was closely tied to the thermal springs of Bath and even seen as a sun deity. Check out the Community Page for more info on gates and transits The most notable of these gods are the planet, the sun, and the twin moons. 04:00 Minerva and her archetypes as Changing Yin occupying male roles And the same is true for each of the Objective Personality groups: EPs and their fear of being controlled; IPs and their fear of being influenced; EJs and their fear of disapproval. From recognizing how deeply conditioned your perceptions are about your life or 108 of them also... Nations disinherited at Babel. is used to find your quarter and contemplate the theme out... Laws that determine good and evil, separating matter and exalting spirit ( heavy distortions ) Minds programming separation! Forever, and influences life on planet Earth skulls, either 51 of them the first quarter the... So four aspects, themes or nuances your Godhead is the first quarter in the wheel is maintained the. Quarter even more so god Ra and husband of Ma & # x27 ; s roadshow. 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