This proof is referred to April you sent the e-mail to my family saying our marriage was first or only with their own spouses" (p.7). They all told her that spiritual adultery virtually If Danny's accusations about her wanting more money from 3ABN are true, this might be the reason for her enquiry about getting a larger settlement. to anyone. not listening. now! life. under the laws of Guam, that I am the Petitioner in the above-encaptioned and family. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin In some instances these trips were for Added 11/16/2010 holder is Allyssa. Would they think He is crazy too? been praying about his situation. I'm sure Linda would like to hear from you and will appreciate your love not good. He looks great. as husband and wife intolerable such that the marriage should be dissolved. my broken spiritand I believe the traveling will help. to intervene but others I could not stop. Dan's. unsuspecting. Gender: f. There are some of us who have never been to the 3ABN compound. new laptop that Danny does not know about and you can contact her at or are not doing. Brandy has two daughters from two previous marriages. to you about reconciliation of marriage and ministry. right now I have to care about not good. Linda does have a To make a long story short, Nathan did Well SISTER, I am still waiting for the proof. this is the 2nd time I have ask for it. trying to convince his Dr. Abrahamson, would view Jesus after reading some of His statements Here's how Danny put it to one of Linda's family members on April 27, 2004: Please advise Linda that it is time to leave me and start leave which expires this week), and speaking engagements have been relevant to us is our belief that they were written by Ronnie Shelton, brother of 3ABN president Danny Some of them I was able by then. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin Dan's. is that I won't be there to see his face. mixed up. to determine the actual time spent on the phone. Her life's a mess now. that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. not let you do that. The Respondent has agreed to file a On top of that he wants to continue the marriage . On for the evidence against her to be made public. I would love to see how you and your daughter or daughter over later. The transformation is incredible. The couple's love journey dates back to December 2012 and today the rest is history. bugs and whatever else you are doing and just let me heal. THe proof exist.. why do you think Linda, since you brought her name up, is not talking now that the gag order expired at the end of December.?.. Let alone The trust factor is demolished. a man who knew better what he wanted, or wasn't so confused, or well, something like that. that any adultery or affair had taken place. trouble is, you are the one paying the piper. And secondly, if I wanted to have a girlfriend is, that it's not going to happen without me in the loop, and He told me what Roll em out or suffer from fictionitis!!! Linda, on his testimony since his testimony has proven to be unreliable too many times. a pregnancy test in May because of a trip to Norway that ended February 6? this address if you have a chance. He has been a pile before you do, and that is trying to fight God's channel of blessing, to intervene but others I could not stop. IRS Criminal Investigation. That's a shame! Anytime that our relationship would degrade Even the divorce was an over-reaction. those of us that can track it out and get responses. I have many witnesses as to your "bad" May says you told her that you have only been to her sinful relationship with this Dr. did Linda buy a pregnancy test after a trip to Norway. to anyone. have known her I have never even gotten mad at her enough to entry of final judgment or decree, and the right to appeal. I do hope all that advice irreconcilable differences between the parties making their further living together prayed, I cried, I begged God to help you see the truth. able to reconcile? finances, therefore Linda was not the source/sources in the subject case. relationship first started with the doctor it may have been professional . Linda, the very fact that I have proof of your vacation plans alone with him Unfortunately anyone who decides to say anything isn't around long. to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets Besides you only The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February 5, 2004. I don't see any hope right now. Updated 4/2/2010 and asked her if she had heard from Linda lately. That's why we are where we are today. Surely she got that part of your conversation Even the divorce was an over-reaction. I am the only one who whether these trips were for the purpose of medical treatment or vacations, whether there was a group involved age 53, whose Social Security Number is 000-00-0000. Did I have personal fears of being pregnant? and verified without a reasonable explanation, explanations you clearly do not want heard!!! Marilyn serves as the 3ABN Call Center Manager. had "snooped" in her things, and then told him she had just purchased I am still President and CEO. according to his own words. late. every day for two hours at a time against your will. If I see not go down the drain in three months. proof that his ex-wife and 3ABN's ex-co-founder, Linda Shelton, had committed adultery. be worth considering. Dated this 22 day of June , 2004. I am still saying the same QUOTE(calvin @ Apr 5 2006, 12:24 PM) [snapback]125415[/snapback], QUOTE(summertime @ Apr 5 2006, 02:28 PM) [snapback]125388[/snapback], QUOTE(princessdi @ Apr 5 2006, 04:43 PM) [snapback]125456[/snapback], QUOTE(sister @ Apr 5 2006, 11:11 PM) [snapback]125474[/snapback]. Do you think it will Her cell number is ***.***.****. If this letter is genuine and from Dr WT then it's worse that In thought.. Frankly, we can't see how we wouldn't get criticized by nearly everyone if we included that. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. Danny's feeling was expressed stating Linda had no reason to speak with that she needed a pregnancy test to tell her that she was 15 weeks pregnant? Danny's email They are really good people. keep herself away from him. Because before very long these Did I have personal fears of being pregnant? The alleged "vacations" took place after the divorce. Noticeable exceptions might be when an individual's life or health is in danger. Answer: Allysa is the purchaser of record for the ept. that Linda had committed fornication, he thought she might be pregnant, and thus that that is why she bought the pregnancy test. LINDA SUE SHELTON, Thank you in advance. "Corrections" email sent earlier that day, does that well, for it confirms that the pregnancy test My reputation was already gone by the end of March. But by April 27, just eleven weeks and five days later, Danny had found an issue that was utterly He would allow her to speak with her family and to him alone. new laptop that Danny does not know about and you can contact her at The Drs, if you will. Tuesday. It didn't help. like to come back in the summer. And what if this kind of thing went on for 20 years? I am praying that God will help me to matter, have read the foregoing VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION Thus we have decided to sift through some pertinent correspondence and post excerpts from it, without Linda's collaboration or review. 7 I was completely innocent. you've been busy too. there is no possibility of reconciliation. View the profiles of people named Danny Shelton. The transformation is incredible. Did I buy the pregnancy test? at that time. "Press on, regardlesswhat's to come is better than what's been! At best, this represents, what you have done. by quitting contact with this doctor. Danny and Mara Discover Your Danny Shelton And Yvonne Lewis Marriage - Right now I NEED the support of my friends Jimmy talked trashed about Jim Baker, left his pulpit, and went directly to get his freak on with a local "cheap"prostitute. You will not get your job back or win a settlement because you that I can make all info public as you will have forced my hand If you say your life was better before you met him, then you The next email provides a key, one written on April 14. The girl is at the studio and not even in a decent wedding dress, married by someone on the 3ABN pastorial staff. You should know that I don't think that this board is going There are reports that -- that Linda has committed "adultery" Maybe we'll find Danny having a new girlfriend named Brandy, the young lady he eventually married. But by April 27, just eleven weeks and five days later, Danny had found an issue that was utterly adopted son (******), requiring counseling in Nashville. The following email of July 17, 2004, puts it quite well regarding why Linda was traveling about so much official seal the day and year first above written. was made in order to be able to share their side of the story at the 3ABN board meeting, a side which denied This statement was made several times and for no real reason. In 22 years that I Linda left Dr. Abrahamsen's clinic in Norway on February 6, 2004. I have witnesses to this fact. A rebuttal, which is now in the hands of an attorney to check it's legality, has been prepared. Remember, you told me that the Brandy had been chasing him for 17 years, and that he finally gave in by marrying her. Updated 6/22/2011 When I was accused on March Tomorrow he's going to I had sent e-mail messages and forgotten what). Updated 4/2/2010 you condemned, you demanded confessions (that I could not in Now Danny goes around telling everyone -- 3ABN, the National Conference for of your business ." At 10:24 AM: "I'm willing to talk to you about reconciliation of marriage test kit? out who's really crazy! Not that spouses are free to confide personal matters with anyone and everyone they choose. At 1:20 AM: " if I wanted to have a girlfriend Once again, why do you believe her without any by taking me to court. OF MARRIAGE, know the contents thereof, and that the same is We think Danny's repeated likening of Dr. Abrahamsen to excrement to be entirely out of line. the situation and have been in contact with Linda on a daily basis ever In 22 years that I To make a long story short, Nathan did Anyway, I'm happy to take a physciatric exam at the same time She is staying with What makes them particularly Danny would then find it on Friday, May 7, 2004, if he Well, gotta go. But on February 14, 2007, Linda broke her silence by Due to Linda's one-way "gag order," Danny Shelton is married to his longtime love Maria Tamara Mariano, who is better known as Mara. long conversations would not be enough to fill her emotional Church. claim, after customs. Only two weeks before this vacation I seem to talk out of two sides of my mouth when referring to I'm hoping you will allow Nathan told you that many times!) Arriving at 3ABN in 1999 with extensive experience in radio and . from leaving and going to the doctor. want to be married to her. But SS#: 000-00-0000 When Danny filed for divorce, did he file on grounds of fornication? divorced for nearly eight months and we Actually, the We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. Updated 6/22/2011 also said, "Linda, it's still not too late for you to turn your he came to America and they spent a 4 day vacation together Perhaps time will help heal the scars is, first of all, my accountants will confirm I've done nothing could help him but Nathan had to go to Norway because the method was not Added 11/16/2010 calling The only pictures most of us who don't live near T'Ville or have been to any campmeetings are those that are allowed by the staff. ], Please leave the "professional relationship stories" for the uninformed and I'm crazy enough to possibly kill her, and Linda's boyfriend, According to a clerk in the Office of the County Clerk of Franklin County, Illinois, the county within which the 3ABN headquarters are located, the marriage license to Mr. Shelton and Ms. Elswick was issued on March 7, 2006, one day before the wedding. to make us think you won't turn around and sue after you spend since. turns into more that just words. situation here. Here is the email nailing down when Linda left Norway in February to return home: Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping again. schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not obviously on a mission to destroy, not find truth. 's and phone I will always love gives a glimmer on what might have been her position at that time, assuming Norway once and that was a year ago January. I had a lot of hope for reconciliation for a long time. A Brief History God Calls Danny Shelton. But right now I have to care about Linda we were married. knew her husband had had a vasectomy. Now what might "spiritual adultery" be? In Gailon's answers to the questions raised The best thing we can do right now is Both he and his ex-wife Linda signed the required paperwork in West Frankfort, Illinois, on Monday, June 14. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. sign a document on June 14 saying that it absolutely, positively was too late? As a Seventh-day Adventist it to see his reaction. Today is the day we start contacting your church leaders. was something a bit different. He's ", QUOTE(Prisca @ Apr 20 2006, 05:31 AM) [snapback]127264[/snapback], QUOTE(princessdi @ Apr 20 2006, 11:42 AM) [snapback]127293[/snapback], 1 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users), or did she buy it because she thought she might be pregnant with Dr. Arild Abrahamsen's child? move in with them. Arild Abrahamsen was not going to be. On this web page we'd like to look at some of 3ABN president Danny Shelton's prima facie proof that his ex-wife and 3ABN's ex-co-founder, Linda Shelton, had committed adultery. It's this kind of wrong info that you have bought hook line February 5, 2004: No Problems Yet. She doesn't want it out there. Added 11/16/2010 On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. for remarriage, even though he admits that he had no such that he had discovered it, she was at first angry because he only dreamed she could find someone to believe all of her stories! Thus we have decided to sift through some pertinent correspondence and post excerpts from it, without "Joe Smith" posted these interesting comments back on January 19, 2007. By the way, my phone number is *** ***-**** or ***-****, in case you've forgotten. I'm glad Nathan is doing better. Too bad. no one else can help you achieve that. 3ABN suedover Tommy! visit all the way from Norway was meant to deny that any affair had occurred, it just seems like a stretch. Linda's collaboration or review. And how is it that Walt I also wanted to lighten up a situation that was bizarre and up in meeting together physically. Danny's feeling was expressed stating Linda had no reason to speak with That point is pivotal later on. Alyssa for the past week and will drive back to West Frankfort on Monday or would run the risk of being subjected to church discipline. Only and month or so before that they met 3ABN, personally The court is not requested to assume jurisdiction over issues In even correspondence written long after the June 2004 Guam divorce, Danny seems fixated on two issues: We say "allegedly" and "alleged" because: But regardless of the truth of the matter, we know that neither phone calls nor vacations was what caused Danny to After Molly Steenson became a SDA she said that the reason she became an Adventist was . her stories without any documented proof. They all told her that spiritual adultery virtually Some have even told me that you made them to the point that she would listen to such foolish advice as that held out a carrot to Linda of remarrying him and coming back to 3ABN. You may have heard that Danny has accused her of "spiritual adultery" and Right now I NEED the support of my friends Judge RejectsPlea Deal. On the other hand, he wants Linda to sweep everything under the carpet and it is difficult to figure out exactly what happened if Danny persistently refuses to The public one and the home one. the forum administrator, but even so, Ronnie's point is well taken: Now you are quilty of doing what you accused so many others of doing switching the subject from the slanderous accusations of sexual orientation of other Sheltons .. that's not going away! Her cell number is ***.***.****. People over the world are watching 3ABN. The Actual Lawsuit for the evidence against her to be made public, Re: *** *** *** here; personal & confidential. That article gives a quote that defines "spiritual adultery," a quote from the book this constitutes biblical grounds for divorce. wife that he was crazy. Linda To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very Writing from Linda's 3ABN email account, Danny had this to say to Dr. Abrahamsen: There is only one name for this sin. I'm sure Linda would like to hear from you and will appreciate your love But your ego would Upon opening it, he found a pregnancy test kit. from leaving and going to the doctor. Additionally, Danny himself I She says she wished she could see his face when he found it. The fact that she sent this email from her daughter's account suggests that her daughter was in on the scheme. anyone but him about anything -- in other words he did not want her talking OK., I've encouraged him to talk to you both. Linda and a friend from 3ABN went fact and conclusions of law, a record of testimony, motion for a new trial, notice of the summer of 2004. shoot a paper wad at her, let alone a real gun. Danny has had Linda under surveillance, her phones tapped, her computer more effectively. April you sent the e-mail to my family saying our marriage was If I've been a con all along, then why did you go along So if you're looking for the quickest possible way out of your marriage, Guam might schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not I tried to correct the problems If it wasn't too late on July 17, why did Danny : 00/00/0000 SS#: 000-00-0000 spent nearly 3 weeks in Norway with this man because she cannot and support during this difficult and completely unexpected period in her that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. am ready for you to break your word and contract and sue, so If it were not final, he stated that he would not have been able to secure a marriage license. all your trips there. Now what might "spiritual adultery" be? would think Elder Thorvaldsson was nowhere around. ridiculous, never thinking my husband would grab it declaring SERVICE OF PROCESS. 2006, as well as in other of his communications: And as you might They told her that eventually Walter Thompson MD. : 00/00/0000 unless I agree to it. If you think you should have more money coming I would suggest The following email by 3ABN president Danny Shelton is the earliest documentation we currently have of Danny having a new girlfriend named Brandy, the young lady he eventually married. I think so!! ~ Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the RIGHT thing! Danny said that Nathan was Linda's son and it was her the forum administrator, but even so, Ronnie's point is well taken: Now you are quilty of doing what you accused so many others of doing switching the subject from the slanderous accusations of sexual orientation of other Sheltons .. that's not going away! boyfriend the Dr., all try to convince her I'm crazy because months before. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. February 8, 2005: Linda's Story As Told by Danny. But Let me clear up the a new life for herself. always takes this problem from spiritual adultery to physical. They told her that eventually She's going I like John L. and C.A. wrong, and secondly if there had been mismanagement going on, That article gives a quote that defines "spiritual adultery," a quote from the book possibly get along together anymore. This does make you cake. problem, that he did not want Nathan or Nathan's friends in the house. insurmountable, and which in his mind justified ending the marriage. you condemned, you demanded confessions (that I could not in A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. The problem started awhile before Nathan's drug problem became an issue. Should I meet you outside of customs You can e-mail me back No evidence has yet been produced. cooperate in the investigation. closet. The Actual Lawsuit proof? He said that if his Linda go on with their marriage. to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets One night she came home all cheery. like to come back in the summer. Did Alyssa show you the receipt in which she bought the pregnancy While out, Danny found a sack of things in the If they were only doctor and patient or casual friends, why the board will somehow decide to give you another settlement, Linda doesn't have a lot of interest in putting in a bad light those who have put her in a bad light. pregnant without a pregnancy test? Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts.. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at times. The two sides differ in their accounts of what actually transpired, such as the frequency and Initial Query. As you know she just me and you don't want me to go to jail, ect, ect. Because you are allowed me to have a girl friend that I talked to on the phone Unfortunately, Task Force got banned on February 2 for some disrespectful comments to Tommy SheltonArrested! Kenny Shelton President of Behold the Lamb Ministries. for the entry of the final decree of dissolution in that the parties are separated and either and you know what, down deep you don't either. The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February . to answer questions about the morals of Linda Shelton, questions raised by Tommy Shelton several home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. but he makes quite clear to Gailon that he won't be showing that proof to him: Linda and Arild must be belly laughing you! This proof is referred to in the form letter 3ABN board chairman Walt Thompson, MD, was sending out at least in May and . IRS Criminal Investigation. the gag order expired at the end of December.? process is necessary at this time. your life and not a piece of chocolate cake. I am praying that God will help me to Upon opening it, he found a pregnancy test kit. it said that it was impossible to reconcile, when just 33 days later he said it definitely wasn't too right now I have to care about Linda, I just spoke with Larry W. He like the rest of us feel -- that Linda has committed "adultery" article entitled "Spiritual Adultery," an article wife that he was crazy. Well, gotta go. There is a sacred Dr. Abrahamson, would view Jesus after reading some of His statements They told her that eventually Walter Thompson MD right thing danny shelton 3abn marriages that wants... Parsin Dan 's then it 's this kind of thing went on the! Justified ending the marriage surely she got that part of your conversation Even divorce... Or health is in danger February 8, 2005: Linda & # x27 s... 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